Every human being – woman, man, child – has inalienable, individual rights as basis for individual freedom, justice and development. Disregard or violation of these rights can be considered as inhuman, as a crime against humanity. The individual human rights apply to all individual human beings of all nationalities, all religions and ideologies and all races.


  1. Every individual human being has the right to rest periods in her/his work situation.
  2. Every individual human being has the right, in his or her work situation, to inform the employer about her or his need for rest periods and what they mean to her/him.
  3. Every individual human being has the right to leisure time in her/his work situation.
  4. Every individual human being has the right, in his or her work situation, to inform the employer about his or her need for leisure time and its importance for her or him.
  5. Every individual human being has the right, in his or her working situation, to inform the employer about the need for, and importance of, her or his rest periods for Others.
  6. Every individual human being has the right, as an employer, to offer rest periods to the Other during the execution of the work offered.
  7. Every individual human being has the right, as an employer, to offer leisure time to the Other during the execution of the work offered.
  8. Every individual human being has the right to make an agreement with an employer about rest periods and their remuneration during the execution of the work offered.
  9. Every individual human being has the right to make an agreement with the employer about leisure time and its remuneration during the execution of the work offered.
  10. Every individual human being has the right to inform an employer about the meaning of (continuous) schooling for the quality of the work offered.
  11. Every individual human being has the right, as an employer, to offer the possibility of (continuous) schooling to the Other.
  12. Every individual human being has the right to make an agreement with an employer about (continuous) schooling and its remuneration.

- People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought, which they seldom use. - Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


'Chaos, the world we live in'
Jan Pieter de Kok
Aquarel & acryl, 2020