Every human being – woman, man, child – has inalienable, individual rights as basis for individual freedom, justice and development. Disregard or violation of these rights can be considered as inhuman, as a crime against humanity. The individual human rights apply to all individual human beings of all nationalities, all religions and ideologies and all races.
- Every individual human being has the right to be judged on a basis of equality and equivalence in every aspect of life, with regard to anyone else as well as to organisations of any nature.
- The authority of a government is based on the respect of the individual rights of every human being.
- Every individual human being has the right to submit proposals of a general nature to a government.
- Every individual human being has the right to propose to the government to take measures in order to make possible and encourage the free development of people's individuality.
- The mandate of a government should be periodically evaluated by means of general and equal suffrage.
- Every adult individual has the right to vote in and on all aspects of life for which the government creates rules.
- Every individual human being has the right to choose to vote in secret or publicly.
- Every individual human being has the right to justify his or her vote in elections.
- Every individual human being has the right not to participate in elections.
- Every individual human being has the right to justify his or her decision not to participate in elections.
- Every individual human being is entitled to a procedure which ensures the freedom of election.
- Every individual human being has the right to call to account the government on any restriction in the freedom of election, and to oppose such restrictions.
Mr P.J. de Bruin, Jan Pieter de Kok, September 29, 2015