Every human being – woman, man, child – has inalienable, individual rights as basis for individual freedom, justice and development. Disregard or violation of these rights can be considered as inhuman, as a crime against humanity. The individual human rights apply to all individual human beings of all nationalities, all religions and ideologies and all races.


  1. Every individual who, as a provider of work in the field of knowledge, services or physical work, offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements with the work receiver to whom he or she has offered work, about the contents of the work in question, in mutual agreement, that is: freely and on the basis of equality.
  2. Every individual who, as a provider of work , offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements, in mutual agreement with the work receiver, about the period(s) during which and the place(s) where the work in question is to be done.
  3. Every individual who, as a a provider of work, offers work in the field of knowledge to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements, in mutual agreement with the work receiver about the knowledge he or she is to contribute.
  4. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers work in the field of services to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements, in mutual agreement with the work receiver, about the nature of the services he or she is to provide.
  5. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers physical work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver, about the nature of the physical work he or she is to produce, and to what extent.
  6. Every individual who, as a work provider in the field of knowledge, services or physical labour, offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements, in mutual agreement with the work receiver about the daily planning of the work to be or not to be produced.
  7. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver about the time, space and remuneration he or she is to receive for his or her development in the spiritual and cultural fields.
  8. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers work to a work receiver has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver about the time, space and remuneration he or she is to receive for his or her development in the social and civil fields.
  9. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers work to a work receiver has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver about the time, space and remuneration he or she is to receive for his or her development in the artistic field.
  10. Every individual who, as a provider of work , offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver about obtaining facilities for his or her development .
  11. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver about acquiring experience elsewhere during a time to be agreed upon.
  12. Every individual who, as a provider of work, offers work to a work receiver, has the right to make arrangements in mutual agreement with the work receiver about defraying the costs involved in acquiring experience elsewhere .

Mr P.J. de Bruin, Jan Pieter de Kok, September 29, 2017


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